Merry Christmas…..Or Whatever It Is That You Say

Today is Christmas Eve. And while I was out today I have been hearing a lot of Merry Christmas’s being past around, and I say it back proudly. I am surprised at how many still say that. We’ve have all seen posts going around FChristmas-Balbinka-lacebook, telling people to say Merry Christmas instead of Happy Holidays. Or those people who post to social media groups saying that Christmas is being taken away from us. Well….I call Bullshit on that theory.

Canada is multicultural, especially here in Ontario. We have all sorts of religions here, and I can honestly say that never, have I had someone get angry or upset with me for saying Merry Christmas. To those who get upset and blame immigrants for trying to steal Christmas, let me point out some logic here for you.

No one has the right to stop you from celebrating Christmas. What you celebrate in your home is your business. I do say Merry Christmas to people, and in return I welcome them to say Happy whatever it is they celebrate back to me, and I don’t get offended. NO ONE is trying to stop Christmas. It’s all in your head. Along with all your hate. Maybe more Christians should embrace other cultures, while embracing their own.

I for one am tired of seeing and hearing people complain about how we are losing the right to celebrate Christmas. I think with all the hate going around, we are losing sight of what the Holidays really mean. The true meaning of Christmas. Love, Family, Friends, Giving, and of coarse Food 😉

Maybe you should take a minute and look around. Look at what you have, and how lucky you are that you have it. Some out there have nothing. Some are sleeping on the street tonight, with no family, and no turkey supper. Some families can’t afford gifts for their children. My kids are ecstatic about Santas arrival and presents tomorrow morning. My heart breaks for those children who will have an bare tree Christmas morning, or no tree at all. So instead of all complaining, how about you get off your ass and give to the less fortunate?

Merry Christmas….. or Happy whatever you celebrate!




The Truth on the Destruction of Man Kind

Natural Disasters, Global Warming, diseases, Obesity, Poverty, Homicides, Suicides or maybe even a Zombie Apocalypse. These are just some of the ways the media (or movies) advocates the end of Man kind………. The real truth that will end us all…….The rapid growth of major cities and the disappearing farm land.

My Husband is a Crop Farmer, so I might be a little biased, but you can’t ignore the facts.

The population of the world grows everyday. Cities are being built outward, and farmland is being sold off to developers. Now add in the fact that most city folk are uneducated about agriculture. Ask around and see how many people think their food comes from the store or market. Somewhere down the line agriculture got a bad rep. We need to educate people about the value of land and food. Everyone wants the best of the best. The biggest house, the best car the highest paying job etc…… but at what price?

Fact 1. The world is only so big. We can not make it bigger.

Fact 2. There is only so much land. We can not make more land.

Fact 3. We need food to live.

Fact 4. You can not grow crops and raise livestock  in the city.

Fact 5. You need good soil to get a good yield from crops.

Fact 6. In Ontario, you can only go so far North with growing crops. Just 1-2 hours away from where we live you get into cottage country, there the earth is to rocky for cropping.

Fact 7.  One field of Corn produces more oxygen and gets rid of more carbon dioxide than one forest does.

Fact 8. Corn and soy beans are used in almost everything. Fire works, crayons, furniture etc…..

So how do we fix this problem you ask??? My opinion…….Grow  up with the cities.

Instead of growing outward, maybe we should be looking at how we can grow up. Grow the city within the city. Preserve farmland. If land is deemed part of the Greenbelt, then by God, keep it that way. Don’t build subdivisions on that land. Children should be educated from a young age about agriculture. I say this because there are people out there who have no idea how their food gets to the store or the market. I once had a friend tell me that she thought eggs where aborted chickens. Yep…I still laugh at that one. The truth….eggs that we eat were never fertilized. Chickens lay eggs. That’s  just what they do. To get baby chicks you need a rooster to fertilize the egg. No rooster, no baby chicks. The eggs are just yolk. So we either eat them or they go to waste. Please explain to me how a grown Women thought other wise?

There is a rumor that farmers beat their animals and animals are forced to get pregnant and their young is ripped from them at a young age. Ummm, I think that is both a lie and a stereotype. Did you know that when a cow is happy, it’s chewing it’s cud? Did you know that the cows utter works like our beasts, if you keep pumping, they will keep producing. Now, did you also know that stereotyping is wrong and assumption is the Mother of all F**k ups?

My point here is to prove how uneducated most are. It doesn’t matter if you are vegan, vegetarian, gluten free, diabetic, or a meat eater, we all need farmers. We all need to save our farm land. If the rapid growth of our cities continues, that will be the end of man kind. Not global warming or any other thing the media points the blame finger at. We need to get real and fast. The size of your house, the price of your car and your job title won’t do you any good when there is no food to feed your family. All the money in the world won’t save you, if we built up all of our land.

I’m just a house wife Mother of two, who supports farmers and all they do and all the sacrifices they make to put food in our stores. Thank You, may the farm not be forgotten.





What the F**K is wrong with people?

The title, I think, is a very good question……..

Like usual over our Family Christmas turkey supper there was some interesting conversation going on. And like usual, I learned a thing or two. What really blew my mind was hearing that there are people in this world who think milk, meat and veggies come from the store. Yep, you read it right……You can close your mouth now. I was just as shocked as you to get that news. My in-laws are farmers, my Husband is a farmer and I grew up in a small town, which used to be about agriculture. To me, growing up I always knew where our food comes from. I have no memory of ever thinking otherwise or even not knowing. I say city folks need to be educated on the importance of agriculture. I will start. I will speak slowly for you city folk. Okay. Farmers…..plant….seeds…in…the..ground…crops, such as…corn, wheat, soy beans, barley etc….. grow. Farmers….. also…. plant…..vegetables….. and raise…… animals….. such as pigs, cows, sheep etc.. for meat. Chickens….. are raised….. for either producing eggs….. or meat. Milk comes from a……. cow. Now. What I am about to tell you may come as a huge shock for some but……CHOCOLATE MILK DOSE NOT COME FROM BROWN COWS! They add cocoa to white milk to make it chocolate. COCOA DOES NOT COME FROM A COW. Cocoa comes from a plant! Animals are taken from the farm to the butcher, THEN to the store or market. Vegetables go from the farm to the store or market. Are some of you city folk starting to catch on here? If we keep losing farm land for developers and housing we will run out of land for farming. I mean the world is only so big and it won’t grow, and land just doesn’t pop out of nowhere. Eventually we would starve to death! Get it?

Something else that really blows my mind it the number of people who post pictures to facebook of their kids in the bath or on the crapper. REALLY??? Don’t you have any respect for you kids privacy? People also feel the need to post every detail of their lives. It won’t be long people will be announcing the last time they took a shit or got a yeast infection. It’s bad enough I have to read about the latest fight you had with your Husband. Frankly, I don’t give a shit!