You Know You’re Pregnant When…..

You know your pregnant when…..

The temperature in your house is 15c and you are perfectly comfortable.

You have to pee every hour on the hour.

When you have a graving for a specific food, it’s like you can taste the craving in your mouth and sometimes the bad cravings will not go away unless you give in.

No one would dare to come in between you and your food (unless they know what`s good for them)

You need to nap for most of the days during the 40 weeks of pregnancy (most of those days being in the first and third trimester)

You get lower back pains, swollen feet/ankles, constipation, hemorrhoids, sore breasts, stretch marks, acid re-flux, possibility of high blood pressure, possibility of gestational diabetes, acne, gas, itchy skin and did I mention acid re-flux

You get strangers touching your belly, like they think that they are actually touching the baby.

You get rude people telling you that you look like you are about to burst. ( like your self-esteem isn’t low enough)

Towards the end of a pregnancy, shaving your legs and tying your shoes is a huge success.

Getting comfortable while sleeping becomes almost impossible.

You either want  lots of sex or absolutely none at all.

You feel fat, tired, hungry, cranky and worried all at the same time.

Towards the end of your pregnancy bending down and getting back up is a huge success.


Crying can sometimes be a daily event, followed shortly after by anything else.

Your poor Husband takes a lot of blame for how you are feeling.